Highlighting BDE API Code in BC 5.x ----------------------------------- Making use of the BDE32.TOK color syntax highlighting file: 1. Copy the BDE32.TOK file from the \BDE32\DOC directory to the \BC5\BIN (default) directory. 2. To change the TOK file which the IDE uses, choose the menu command "Options | Environment" and under Topics choose Editor | File. If the Editor has a + sign to the left, click on the + sign to expand the Editor options below it. 3. In the Reserved Words window on the right the TOK files are listed. Select the BDE32.TOK file. How to set up the color schemes: Once the BDE32.TOK file is selected, BDE functions still appear in the default color scheme. 1. To change this, select "Options | Environment", and under Topics choose "Syntax Highlighting | Customize" (click on it if necessary to expand the options below it). 2. In the Element window scroll down and select "Client 1" to modify the color of functions, and "Client 2" to modify the color of the data types. The Foreground and Background default boxes are checked. 3. Choose from among the 16 colors in the Color window. Left click on a color square to change the Forground Color to that color (a FG will appear). Right click on a color square to change the Background Color to that color (a BG will appear). Notes: You need to either exit the IDE or select another TOK file if you make any changes to the TOK file after it has been loaded to see the changes.